Our team

Měto Nowak

Director of the Minority Secretariat

Email: m.nowak@minderheitensekretariat.de
Telephone: +49 (0) 30 1868 117 940



Contact: info@minderheitensekretariat.de
Telephone: –

Johanna Panse

Project Manager interactive touring exhibition „Was heißt hier Minderheit?
M.A. in museum management and communication

Email: j.panse@minderheitensekretariat.de
Telephone: +49 (0) 30 1868 114 623

Professional career:
•    since 2019, Project Manager for the conception and implementation of the interactive touring exhibition of the Minority Secretariat
•    2018, exhibition development for the Museum Schloss Klippenstein at Radeberg (master’s thesis)
•    2017, placement abroad at Żydowskie Muzeum Galicja (Jewish Museum of Galicia) at Kraków, Poland
•    2014-2016, student assistant at Museum für Naturkunde (Natural History Museum) in Berlin

Nele Feuring

Advisor for the transfer of knowledge

Email: n.feuring @minderheitensekretariat.de
Telephone: +49 (0) 30 18681 14670

Professional career:
•    since 2022, political advisor at the Minority Secretariat
•    2020-2021, Project Manager at the Minority Secretariat
•    since 2019, M.A. Interdisciplinary Antisemitism Research at the Technical University of Berlin
•    2019, B.A. Europäische Kulturen und Gesellschaft an der Europa-Universität Flensburg
•    2018-2020, Student Assistant at the Minority Secretariat
•    2018-2019, Student Assistant at the European Centre for Minority Issues
•    2018, Erasmus stay at the University of Limerick, Ireland
•    2017, Internship at the Minority Secretariat