The umbrella organisation of all the associations and establishments working for the Frisian language and culture in North Friesland and Helgoland is Frasche Rädj / Frisian Council Section North. In its day-to-day work, Frasche Rädj considers itself as the contact and coordination organisation representing the common interests of the North Frisians to the outside world and in other bodies. The members of Frasche Rädj are elected delegates/representatives of their associations.
Frasche Rädj is based in Bräist/Bredstedt in the district of Nordfriesland in Schleswig-Holstein. The tasks of the Frasche Rädj can be categorised into four areas:
Homepage of Frasche Rädj
More information about the Frisians
The chair of Frasche Rädj, Ilse Johanna Christiansen, and Heinrich Bahnsen are Frasche Rädj’s representatives in the Minority Council.
Chair of Frasche Rädj / Frisian Council Section North
• born and grown up in Nordfriesland
• Certified psychologist
• app. psychotherapist, employed at a specialist hospital
• working freelance, e.g. in a hospital for disabled persons
Social involvement:
• chair of the Südschleswigscher Wählerverband (SSW)-political group in the city representation of Bredstedt
• second chair of Friisk Foriining
• from 2013 chair of Frasche Rädj / Frisian Council Section North
• from 2015 deputy mayor of Bredstedt/Bräist
Deputy Chair, Frasche Rädj/Frisian Council Section / Deputy Chair of the North Frisian Association Deputy Chair of the North Frisian Association
• born Ockholm, North Friesland in a Frisian-speaking household
• Certified Savings Bank Business Economist
• until 2009 Authorised Representative of a savings bank, now retired
Social involvement:
• municipal representative in Breklum for 36 years
• honorary mayor for 9 years
• CDU fraction spokesman
• Chair of the Social, Youth and Sport Committee and the Finance Committee
• Member of the Board of the Collective Municipality (Amtsausschuss) and the School Association Assembly (Schulverbandversammlung)
• Chair of the School Association Finance Committee for 10 years
• Board member of the association North Frisian Institute (Nordfriesisches Institut) at Braist for 19 years
• Since 1997, board member of the North Frisian Association (Nordfriesischer Verein) e.V., including 3 years as Chair; since 2013, Deputy Chair
• Deputy Chair, Frasche Rädj/Frisian Council Section North
The current Seelter Buund was founded in 1972. Already in 1952 a first association for local culture and traditions (heimatverein) called Seelter Buund was founded, but this association survived for ten years only.
The main purpose of Seelter Buund as association for local culture and traditions is to preserve the Sater-Frisian language and the traditions of Saterland. The attachment to their homeland, history and landscape is what Seelter Buund drives. With its representatives, Seelter Buund is closely connected to EBLUL-Germany, to the Minority Council in Germany and through FUEN also to many minorities in Europe.
Homepage of the Seelter Buund
More information about the Frisians
The Seelter Buund’s representative in the Minority Council is Karl-Peter Schramm.
Chair of Seelter Buund
• Saterfrisian from Lower Saxony
• Profession: retired special education teacher
Professional career:
• 1964-1966 secondary commercial college
• 1966-1971 apprenticeship and teaching practice AOK Oldenburg
• 1971 intermediate administrative test
• 1971 test for non-high-school graduates
• 1971-1974 teacher training at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
• 1977-1979 studies in special needs education/education for people with learning difficulties
• 1975-1990 teacher at the Barßel Special School
• retired from 1990
Social involvement:
• from 1970 member of the Social Democrat Party (SPD)
• from 1986 member of the municipal council of Saterland
• member in several specialised committees, e.g. administrative committee and chair of the expert committee for fire brigades in SPD
• from 1995 active in the association for local culture and traditions, chair of Seelter Buund
• from 1998 chair of the European Bureau of Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL Germany)
• from 2004 member of the committee for issues related to the Frisian minority
• from 2005 member of the Minority Council of Germany
Since late 2020, Henk Wolf has been the Research Associate for Sater Frisian for the organisation Oldenburgische Landschaft, with an office at Ramsloh/Roomelse Town Hall. Frisian born and bred from the Netherlands, he is the first full-time language associate for the Saterland/Seelterlound community in the rural district of Cloppenburg. Additional information about the research associate for Sater Frisian: und